The health benefits of swimming for all ages and stages

Physical Health

The health benefits of swimming for all ages and stages

From the pool to the ocean, this low-cost, low-impact exercise is great for almost everyone. Here are the benefits of the different types of swimming.

At this time of year, the call of the water has never been stronger. Whether you’re doing laps at your local pool, braving our wild oceans or jumping in creeks, the health benefits of swimming span all age groups.

A review released by Swim England shows that the unique benefits of water make it the ideal place for people of all ages and fitness levels to exercise. And in Australia, swimming is readily available to everyone: about 87% of Aussies live within driving distance of the coast, and there are more than 2,000 public aquatic facilities countrywide.

Health benefits of swimming

Regular swimming helps you stay mentally and physically fit, live longer and sleep better. Pushing against the weight of water is a whole-body activity, which increases your metabolism and tones your muscles, and it also helps burn calories. A University of Western Australia study found regular swimming at moderate intensity saw participants lose slightly more weight than those who walked at the same intensity.

Swimming is also great for children and can help them develop physical, mental and social skills. According to April 2022 national data from AusPlay, swimming is the most popular physical activity for kids aged 14 and under.

Sports and exercise physiotherapist Claire Brown says she often “prescribes” it to her patients as part of their recovery program. “Swimming aids cardiovascular fitness, muscle strengthening, spinal mobility and coordination,” she says.

Swimming is also highly recommended for people with joint issues. Because about 90% of your body weight is supported by the water when you swim, it’s a low-impact way of improving your fitness, toning your muscles and keeping your joints moving without the discomfort higher impact exercises like running might cause. A small study of people with osteoarthritis found regular swimming improved muscle strength and reduced joint pain and stiffness.

But it’s not just for managing chronic illnesses and injuries. Claire highly recommends swimming as a regular physical activity. “It increases endorphins, boosts your mood and alleviates stress,” she adds.

How swimming boosts your physical and mental health

Swimming could be a helpful way to manage mental health challenges as well – although the reasons why are not yet fully understood. A large 2022 survey found outdoor swimming had a positive impact on mental health, although the researchers noted more study is needed.

If you’re a little nervous about jumping in the pool after a long break, Claire recommends one-on-one coaching lessons to improve your confidence and technique.

Swimming can be a life-long fitness activity for almost everyone, including babies, seniors and people with physical or mental disabilities. The buoyancy offered by water makes swimming a great choice for pregnant women, too. It helps support weight, eases back pain, reduces swelling in limbs and improves heart health in preparation for labour.

‘Cold-water swimming boosts my mood and energy’

It started out as a way to cool down after her regular beach walks, but cold-water swimming is now an integral part of Fleur Bainger’s wellbeing routine.

The Perth-based writer, 43, started hitting the ocean in January 2021 and found the benefits of cold-water swimming so significant she’s been going twice a week ever since. She’s noticed improvements to her fitness, muscle tone, sleep quality and productivity.

“I have significantly more energy throughout the whole day, and I notice I'm in a better mood and a better headspace – on my swimming days, I think more clearly and I’m more focused the whole day,” she says.

“During winter, when it’s cold, you actually get a greater high than you do throughout the rest of the year. That cold shock, the change in temperature and the response that initiates in your body, creates a level of euphoria. The best morning I had, it was four degrees and afterwards I felt like I was 10-feet tall.”

Best of all, swimming has seen her form friendships with other regular swimmers, many of whom are in their 80s. “They notice if I don't come, so I start to have a level of accountability with other people that gets me to go even when it’s really cold.”

Here are a few different ways you can dip your toes in the water.

Recreational swimming and learning to swim

Local community pools offer lessons to children from around six months old to adults of any age. There are also stroke-correction classes, pool fitness classes, intensive school holiday programs and separate areas for laps and recreational swimming.

Benefits: This is a cost-effective, low-impact activity that gives the body and mind an all-over workout. It’s great for kids’ physical and cognitive skills and is a confidence booster in the water.  

Squad swimming

Suitable for older kids and adults, squads are designed for more advanced swimmers who can swim 2km or more.

Benefits: Squads help improve your fitness and technique and maintain social connections. They can provide challenging sets for triathletes and long-distance swimmers. You’ll also get the benefits of group fitness, like social contact and motivation.

Winter swimming 

If you’re lucky enough to live near an ocean pool, winter swim squads are an enjoyable way to get in the water. Clubs hold events over varying distances, in all strokes, from freestyle to medley.

Benefits: Family-oriented, this social competition is a whole-body exercise no matter what your level or age. Plus, on top of the benefit of cold-water swimming you get the added benefit of exposure to salt water which can have wound-healing properties as well as help certain skin conditions.

Competitive swimming (for all ages)

Join a club through Swimming Australia and train a few times a week. Open to kids and adults, you can compete in long and short distances. Masters Swimming Australia offers competitive swimming in both pools and open water for people aged 18 and over.

Benefits: The competitive scene is a more vigorous workout. You’ll achieve personal goals as well as develop endurance skills.

Surf Life Saving Australia – Nippers, Surf Life Saving and Silver Salties

Nippers is a fun way for kids aged five to 14 to develop beach-safety skills. Beyond Nippers, you can become a surf lifesaver, combining voluntary lifeguard services and competitive surf sport. There are health and wellbeing programs for older Aussies, too, including Silver Salties, which aims to build physical fitness and social connections for those over 65.

Benefits: Surf life saving improves cardiovascular fitness and endurance. It’s a sociable and worthwhile way to give back to the community. The Nippers program teaches children how to navigate the unpredictable nature of the ocean and teaches them what to do if they’re caught in a rip or dangerous waves.

Ocean swimming

Ocean swimmers find great physical and mental comfort in the open water, so if the ocean is calling you, there are plenty of clubs and swim groups to join.

Benefits: You’ll become fitter and more confident in the ocean and build up your endurance levels. You’ll also benefit from the meditative effects of exercising in nature, which can calm the mind and significantly reduce stress.

Remember, any amount of swimming is good for you. Ocean or pool, the water is uniquely placed to support your health and wellbeing throughout your entire life.

Words by Samantha Yetzes
Updated December 2022

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